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What should I do if my brand partner missed their deadlines?
What should I do if my brand partner missed their deadlines?

Learn what to do if your brand partner is running behind.

Varun Bansal avatar
Written by Varun Bansal
Updated over a week ago

If your brand partner is running behind, we're sorry to hear it! Brands are held to the same standard as creators; we get alerted when a brand misses a deadline so we can chat with them on expectations.

Sometimes our partnership agreement can detect delays on the brand side and will automatically push your live dates for you. There should be an alert on your partnership page letting you know that your deadlines are being pushed out.

If that hasn't happened, and your brand partner is so far behind that you might miss your own deadlines, send us a message using the in-app chat or send an email to your 1stCollab representative and they can re-work your timelines with you. We understand that this was not something in your control.

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